ggthemes Package in R (Example)


In this R programming tutorial you’ll learn how to modify the theme of a ggplot2 plot using the ggthemes package.

The tutorial consists of one example for the modification of the theme of a ggplot2 plot using the ggthemes package. To be more specific, the content of the article looks as follows:

Let’s get started.


Example Data, Packages & Default Graph

The first step is to create some data that we can use in the examples below:

set.seed(89365343)                               # Set random seed
data <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100),               # Create example data frame
                   y = rnorm(100),
                   group = LETTERS[1:5])
head(data)                                       # Print head of example data frame


table 1 data frame ggthemes package


Table 1 shows that our example data has three columns. The variables x and y have the numeric class and the variable group is a character.

For the following tutorial, we also need to install and load the ggplot2 software package:

install.packages("ggplot2")                      # Install ggplot2 package
library("ggplot2")                               # Load ggplot2 package

As a next step, we can plot our data with default theme specifications, i.e. the theme_gray theme of the ggplot2 package:

ggp <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y, col = group)) +    # Draw default ggplot2 plot


r graph figure 1 ggthemes package


After executing the previous syntax the default ggplot2 scatterplot shown in Figure 1 has been created.


Example: Draw ggplot2 Plot Using Themes of ggthemes Package

This section demonstrates how to change the theme of a ggplot2 graph using the functions of the ggthemes package.

If we want to use the functions of the ggthemes package, we first need to download, install and load ggthemes. Otherwise, the error message there is no package called ggthemes would occur:

install.packages("ggthemes")                     # Install ggthemes package
library("ggthemes")                              # Load ggthemes package

The ggthemes package provides extra themes, geoms, and scales for the ggplot2 package. In this tutorial, we’ll focus on the additional themes that are provided by ggthemes.

In the next step, we can add the theme that we want to use to our ggplot2 plot object called ggp that we have created in the previous section of this tutorial.

The following R codes and their graphical outputs show the different themes that are provided by the ggthemes package.

ggp_base <- ggp + theme_base() + ggtitle("theme_base()")


r graph figure 2 ggthemes package


ggp_calc <- ggp + theme_calc() + ggtitle("theme_calc()")


r graph figure 3 ggthemes package


ggp_clean <- ggp + theme_clean() + ggtitle("theme_clean()")


r graph figure 4 ggthemes package


ggp_economist <- ggp + theme_economist() + ggtitle("theme_economist()")


r graph figure 5 ggthemes package


ggp_economist_white <- ggp + theme_economist_white() + ggtitle("theme_economist_white()")


r graph figure 6 ggthemes package


ggp_excel <- ggp + theme_excel() + ggtitle("theme_excel()")


r graph figure 7 ggthemes package


ggp_excel_new <- ggp + theme_excel_new() + ggtitle("theme_excel_new()")


r graph figure 8 ggthemes package


ggp_few <- ggp + theme_few() + ggtitle("theme_few()")


r graph figure 9 ggthemes package


ggp_fivethirtyeight <- ggp + theme_fivethirtyeight() + ggtitle("theme_fivethirtyeight()")


r graph figure 10 ggthemes package


ggp_foundation <- ggp + theme_foundation() + ggtitle("theme_foundation()")


r graph figure 11 ggthemes package


ggp_gdocs <- ggp + theme_gdocs() + ggtitle("theme_gdocs()")


r graph figure 12 ggthemes package


ggp_hc <- ggp + theme_hc() + ggtitle("theme_hc()")


r graph figure 13 ggthemes package


ggp_igray <- ggp + theme_igray() + ggtitle("theme_igray()")


r graph figure 14 ggthemes package


ggp_map <- ggp + theme_map() + ggtitle("theme_map()")


r graph figure 15 ggthemes package


ggp_pander <- ggp + theme_pander() + ggtitle("theme_pander()")


r graph figure 16 ggthemes package


ggp_par <- ggp + theme_par() + ggtitle("theme_par()")


r graph figure 17 ggthemes package


ggp_solarized <- ggp + theme_solarized() + ggtitle("theme_solarized()")


r graph figure 18 ggthemes package


ggp_solarized_2 <- ggp + theme_solarized_2() + ggtitle("theme_solarized_2()")


r graph figure 19 ggthemes package


ggp_solid <- ggp + theme_solid() + ggtitle("theme_solid()")


r graph figure 20 ggthemes package


ggp_stata <- ggp + theme_stata() + ggtitle("theme_stata()")


r graph figure 21 ggthemes package


ggp_tufte <- ggp + theme_tufte() + ggtitle("theme_tufte()")


r graph figure 22 ggthemes package


ggp_wsj <- ggp + theme_wsj() + ggtitle("theme_wsj()")


r graph figure 23 ggthemes package


As you have seen in this section, the ggthemes package can be used to create many different designs, layouts, and graphical styles. In case you want to learn more about the ggthemes package and its source code, you may also have a look at its GitHub page here.


Video & Further Resources

Do you need further information on the R programming syntax of this article? Then I recommend having a look at the following video on my YouTube channel. I’m explaining the R syntax of this tutorial in the video.


The YouTube video will be added soon.


Furthermore, you can find articles on how to plot different kinds of graphics such as xy-plots, density plots, bargraphs, boxplots, histograms, and line plots using the default ggplot2 themes:

In addition, you might have a look at the other RStudio tutorials on this website:


In this R article you have learned how to change the theme of a ggplot2 plot using the ggthemes package. Tell me about it in the comments section below, if you have further questions or comments.


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