Email Summary Using ChatGPT (5 Examples)


The versatility of ChatGPT makes it have application in many different areas, including email summary.

Summarizing any document, including emails, is an expedient way to extract the main information embodied in a document.

Therefore, this tutorial will show how to summarize an email using ChatGPT.

Here is an overview:

Let’s get into the discussion!


Create A Sample Email

Since emails are mostly private conversations between 2 parties, we will ask ChatGPT to generate a sample email for us. It will be an email promoting a fictitious product.

Prompt: Write a detailed and long promotional email advertising a new range of winter coats called “Blitzards Plus”. The range includes kids, men, women, and pets. Include price information as well. Make the email catchy, fun, and engaging.


promotional email generated by ChatGPT


Nice! With the sample email now created, we can now see examples of using ChatGPT to summarize the email.

Since it is a promotional email, we will ask ChatGPT to summarize different aspects of the information in the email.

Example 1: Summarize the Information About the Product Range

In this first example, we will ask ChatGPT to summarize the information about the product range.

We will write our summary instructions at the bottom of the prompt in ChatGPT. In this example, we will use the instructions below.

Prompt: In the above email, summarize the product range of the Blitzard Plus in 3 sentences



Product range info summary by ChatGPT

ChatGPT did a good job summarizing the range of the Blitzards Plus winter coats, succinctly giving us the information we need in 3 sentences.

Example 2: Summarize the Information About the Product Designs

In this next example, we will ask ChatGPT to give us a summary of the available designs in the new Blitzards Plus winter coat range

Prompt: In the above email, summarize the designs of the Blitzards Plus range of winter coats.


Product design summary by ChatGPT

Again, ChatGPT provided a nice summary of the information we requested from the email.

Example 3: Summarize the Information About the Product Prices

Here, we will ask ChatGPT to summarize the information about the prices of the Blitzards Plus product range.

Prompt: In the email above, give me a summary of the prices of the Blitzards Plus range of winter coats in 2 sentences



Summary of product prices by ChatGPT

Great! ChatGPT has given us a summary of the prices of Blitzards Plus’ range of winter coats in 2 sentences.

Example 4: Few-Shot Summary of Email

In this fourth example, we will give ChatGPT examples of how we want it to summarize the email.

Summarize the entire email above. Give the output in the format below:

Product Range Summary: [text]
Product Design Summary: [text]
Product Prices Summary: [text]



few-shot summary of email by ChatGPT

What we did in the above example is known as few-shot prompting, a technique whereby ChatGPT is given examples to guide how it responds to an instruction.

Example 5: Summarize Email As A Paragraph

In this final example, we will summarize the entire email as a short paragraph

Prompt: Summarize the above email as a short paragraph.



Summary of the entire email as a paragraph

Here, ChatGPT has summarized the entire email as a short paragraph according to our instructions. This is like compressing the email into one paragraph.

So, as we have seen demonstrated in the examples, we can either use ChatGPT to summarize aspects of an email, if we have an idea of its content, or the entire email at a go.


Video, Further Resources & Summary

Do you need more explanations on how to summarize an email using ChatGPT? Then you should have a look at the following YouTube video of the Statistics Globe YouTube channel.

In the video, we explain how to summarize an email using ChatGPT.


The YouTube video will be added soon.


Furthermore, you could have a look at some of the other ChatGPT-based tutorials on Statistics Globe:

This post has shown how to summarize an email using ChatGPT. Therefore, when next you receive a lengthy email, use ChatGPT to summarize it for you if you do not feel like reading through the entire email.

I hope you enjoyed reading this tutorial! In case you have further questions, you may leave a comment below.


R & Python Expert Ifeanyi Idiaye

This page was created in collaboration with Ifeanyi Idiaye. You might check out Ifeanyi’s personal author page to read more about his academic background and the other articles he has written for the Statistics Globe website.


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