Add Row to pandas DataFrame in Python (2 Examples)


In this tutorial, I’ll show how to append a new row to a pandas DataFrame in Python programming.

The content of the post looks as follows:

Let’s take a look at some Python codes in action:


Example Data & Libraries

First, we need to load the pandas library:

import pandas as pd                                           # Import pandas library to Python

The data below will be used as basement for this Python programming language tutorial:

data = pd.DataFrame({'x1':range(8, 3, - 1),                  # Create example DataFrame
                     'x2':[2, 7, 5, 1, 3],
                     'x3':range(11, 16)})
print(data)                                                  # Print example DataFrame


table 1 DataFrame add row pandas dataframe python


Table 1 shows that our example data consists of five rows and the three variables “x1”, “x2”, and “x3”.

Next, we have to create a list that we can insert as a new row to our DataFrame later on:

new_row = [1, 2, 3]                                          # Create new row
print(new_row)                                               # Print new row
# [1, 2, 3]

As you can see, our new row that we will combine with our DataFrame contains the values 1, 2, and 3.


Example 1: Append New Row at Bottom of pandas DataFrame

In this example, I’ll explain how to append a list as a new row to the bottom of a pandas DataFrame.

For this, we can use the loc attribute as shown below:

data_new1 = data.copy()                                      # Create copy of DataFrame
data_new1.loc[5] = new_row                                   # Append new row
print(data_new1)                                             # Print updated DataFrame


table 2 DataFrame add row pandas dataframe python


As shown in Table 2, the previous Python programming syntax has created a new pandas DataFrame with an additional row in the last line of our data.


Example 2: Insert New Row in the Middle of pandas DataFrame

In this section, I’ll show how to insert a new row within a pandas DataFrame.

Again, we can use the loc attribute for this task. However, this time, we have to specify a value in between the indices of our input DataFrame.

As you can see below, we are using the index position 2.5 to add a new row in the middle of our data.

Furthermore, we use the sort_index and reset_index functions to reset the indices of our new DataFrame (note that this step is optional):

data_new2 = data.copy()                                      # Create copy of DataFrame
data_new2.loc[2.5] = new_row                                 # Insert new row
data_new2 = data_new2.sort_index().reset_index(drop = True)  # Reset index
print(data_new2)                                             # Print updated DataFrame


table 3 DataFrame add row pandas dataframe python


By running the previous Python programming code, we have created Table 3, i.e. another pandas DataFrame with a new row in the middle of the data.


Video & Further Resources on this Topic

Do you need more explanations on how to add rows to a pandas DataFrame? Then you should have a look at the following YouTube video of the Statistics Globe YouTube channel. In the video, I show the Python programming code of the above article:



Still not satisfied? Then I recommend having a look at the following video on the YouTube channel of Ryan Noonan. He’s explaining how to concatenate rows to a pandas DataFrame in another example in the video:



Furthermore, you could read the related articles on this website:


Summary: You have learned in this article how to concatenate and stack a new row to a pandas DataFrame to create a union between a DataFrame and a list (i.e. rbind) in the Python programming language. Let me know in the comments section below, in case you have any further questions.


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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Peter Ramaekers
    July 7, 2022 9:06 am

    Dear Joachim,
    How can I add rows in Python without using the index? I have file with day numbers 1, 8, 16, 23. I want to add rows with day numbers 2 to 7; 9 to 15 and 17 to 22. How can I do this?

    This the table that I have:
    idnum daynum value
    0 10 1 1
    1 10 8 1.3
    2 10 16 1.5
    3 10 23 1.6
    4 12 1 0.9
    5 12 8 1.2
    6 12 16 1.4
    7 12 23 1.5

    I want to add rows to get this:
    idnum daynum value
    0 10 1 1
    1 10 2 1
    2 10 3 1
    3 10 4 1
    4 10 5 1
    5 10 6 1
    6 10 7 1
    7 10 8 1.3
    8 10 9 1.3
    9 10 10 1.3
    10 10 11 1.3
    11 10 12 1.3
    12 10 13 1.3
    13 10 14 1.3
    14 10 15 1.3
    15 10 16 1.5 and so on

    Thank you and best regards,

    Peter Ramaekers


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