R Warning Message: Condition Length > 1 Only First Element Will Be Used


This post shows how to handle the warning message “the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used” in the R programming language.

The content of the page is structured as follows:

Let’s get started:


Example 1: Replicate the Warning Message: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

In Example 1, I’ll illustrate how to reproduce the warning message “the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used”.

First, we have to create a vector object in R:

x <- 1:10                      # Create example data
x                              # Print example data
# 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Our vector is consisting of numeric values ranging from 1 to 10.

Let’s assume that we want to check the logical condition x > 5 for each of our vector elements. Then, we might try to use the if-statement as shown below:

if(x > 5) {                    # Incorrect specification of if-statement
  paste("The value", x, "is larger than 5.")
# Warning message:
# In if (x > 5) { :
#   the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

The previous R code returned the warning message “the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used” to the RStudio console.

The reason for this is that the if function can only take one element at the same time as input, but in the previous R syntax we have tried to check our logical condition for all vector elements at the same time.

Let’s solve this problem!


Example 2: Fix Warning Message Using the ifelse() Function

This example illustrates how to apply the ifelse function to avoid the warning message “the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used” in R. Consider the following R code:

ifelse(x > 5,                  # Applying ifelse function
       paste("The value", x, "is larger than 5."),
       paste("The value", x, "is not larger than 5."))
#  [1] "The value 1 is not larger than 5." "The value 2 is not larger than 5." "The value 3 is not larger than 5."
#  [4] "The value 4 is not larger than 5." "The value 5 is not larger than 5." "The value 6 is larger than 5."    
#  [7] "The value 7 is larger than 5."     "The value 8 is larger than 5."     "The value 9 is larger than 5."    
# [10] "The value 10 is larger than 5."

The output is a vector that has the same length as our input vector x (i.e. 10).

In other words: the ifelse function checked whether the logical condition x > 5 is TRUE or FALSE for each of our vector elements and returned an output for each element.


Example 3: Fix Warning Message Using for-Loop

Alternatively to the ifelse function we can also use a for-loop in combination with an if-statement. Have a look at the following R code:

for(i in 1:length(x)) {        # for-loop & if-statement
  if(x[i] > 5) {
    print(paste("The value", x[i], "is larger than 5."))
# [1] "The value 6 is larger than 5."
# [1] "The value 7 is larger than 5."
# [1] "The value 8 is larger than 5."
# [1] "The value 9 is larger than 5."
# [1] "The value 10 is larger than 5."

The previous R syntax returned an output for each vector element where the logical condition was TRUE.


Video & Further Resources

Do you want to learn more about warnings and errors in R? Then you may want to watch the following video instruction of my YouTube channel. I explain the R programming codes of this article in the video:


The YouTube video will be added soon.


In addition, you might read the related articles on this website. You can find a selection of tutorials below:


Summary: You learned in this tutorial how to deal with the if-statement warning the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used in R. If you have additional comments or questions, tell me about it in the comments section below. Furthermore, don’t forget to subscribe to my email newsletter in order to get updates on new articles.


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4 Comments. Leave new

    January 5, 2022 2:20 pm

    I am trying to write solve the problem

    Write a while loop that prints out standard random normal numbers (use rnorm()) but stops (breaks) if you get a number bigger than 1.

    However, I am getting the following warning message

    Warning in while (data 1 and only the first element will be used

    The above tutorial could not give me enough clues. Can you please guide for this specific problem

    Thanks in anticipation


  • Hi Joachim!
    Your explanations are very usefull, thank you.

    However, I have a column called LINE_NR with values between 1 and 16. I want to create an additional column called STABLE_NR where I can say that all the line numbers 1 until 4 are stable 1, 5 until 8 are stable 2, 9 until 12 are stable 3 and 13 until 16 are stable 4. I can’t seem to figure out how to do it. I tried the ifelse() function (due to the warning of condition length > 1), but it does not work for me:

    ifelse(data$LINE_NR > 0 & data$LINE_NR < 5, data$STABLE_NR <- 1)
    gives me an error because a "no" is missing??

    Could you maybe help me solve this problem?

    Thank you!


    • Hey Merle,

      Thank you very much, glad you find my tutorials helpful!

      Please have a look at the example code below. It shows how to add such a column to a data frame:

      data <- data.frame(LINE_NR = 1:16)                      # Create example data
      data$STABLE_NR <- NA                                    # Create empty column
      data$STABLE_NR[data$LINE_NR %in% 1:4] <- "stable 1"     # Assign "stable" groups
      data$STABLE_NR[data$LINE_NR %in% 5:8] <- "stable 2"
      data$STABLE_NR[data$LINE_NR %in% 9:12] <- "stable 3"
      data$STABLE_NR[data$LINE_NR %in% 13:16] <- "stable 4"
      data                                                    # Print final data
      #    LINE_NR STABLE_NR
      # 1        1  stable 1
      # 2        2  stable 1
      # 3        3  stable 1
      # 4        4  stable 1
      # 5        5  stable 2
      # 6        6  stable 2
      # 7        7  stable 2
      # 8        8  stable 2
      # 9        9  stable 3
      # 10      10  stable 3
      # 11      11  stable 3
      # 12      12  stable 3
      # 13      13  stable 4
      # 14      14  stable 4
      # 15      15  stable 4
      # 16      16  stable 4



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