plotly Treemap in Python (3 Examples)


Hi! This tutorial will show you how to build a plotly treemap in the Python programming language.

Treemaps are a type of data visualization that display hierarchical data using nested rectangles. In treemaps, a rectangular area is divided into smaller rectangles, each representing a different category or subcategory of the data being visualized.

First, though, here is an overview:

Let’s jump into the Python code!


Install & Import plotly & NumPy

If you do not have plotly and NumPy already installed and imported in your Python programming environment, then run the lines of code below in your preferred Python IDE to install and import both libraries; otherwise, you may skip to the next section of this tutorial:

# install plotly & NumPy
pip install plotly numpy
# import plotly & NumPy
import as px
import numpy as np

With plotly and NumPy installed and imported into our Python coding environment, we can now access their functions for this tutorial.

Create Sample Dataset

We will make use of the popular gapminder dataset, which comes preloaded in plotly. Run the line of code below to load the dataset:

df =

You can take a look at the first 5 rows of the dataset by running:

#         country  continent	year	lifeExp	  pop	  gdpPercap	iso_alpha   iso_num
#0	Afghanistan	Asia	1952	28.801	8425333	  779.445314	   AFG	     4
#1	Afghanistan	Asia	1957	30.332	9240934	  820.853030	   AFG	     4
#2	Afghanistan	Asia	1962	31.997	10267083  853.100710	   AFG	     4
#3	Afghanistan	Asia	1967	34.020	11537966  836.197138	   AFG	     4
#4	Afghanistan	Asia	1972	36.088	13079460  739.981106	   AFG	     4

Next, we will filter the data for year 2002, as that is the year we are interested in:

df ="year == 2002")
print(df.head(5)) # take a look at the first 5 rows
#        country   continent	year	lifeExp	  pop	    gdpPercap	  iso_alpha  iso_num
#10	Afghanistan   Asia	2002	42.129	25268405    726.734055	     AFG	4
#22	Albania	      Europe	2002	75.651	3508512	    4604.211737	     ALB	8
#34	Algeria	      Africa	2002	70.994	31287142    5288.040382	     DZA	12
#46	Angola	      Africa	2002	41.003	10866106    2773.287312	     AGO	24
#58	Argentina     Americas	2002	74.340	38331121    8797.640716	     ARG	32

With the sample dataset created, we can now build the treemap.

Example 1: Create Treemap with Continuous Color Scale

In this first example, we will create a treemap with a continuous color scale to indicate different life expectancies:

fig = px.treemap(df,
                 path = [px.Constant("world"),"continent","country"],
                 values = "pop",
                 color = "lifeExp",
                 hover_data = ["iso_alpha"],
                 color_continuous_scale = "RdBu",
                 color_continuous_midpoint = np.average(df["lifeExp"],weights = df["pop"]))
fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t = 50,l = 25, r = 25, b = 25))

In the above example, we created a treemap with a continuous color scale, where we parsed “RdBu” to the continuous_color_scale = argument in the px.treemap() function. There are many other color scales from which you can choose.

We also specified the path, where we defined the root node in the hierarchy as “world”, followed by “continent” and “country”.

We then made use of NumPy’s np.average() function to compute the weighted average of life expectancy, which is displayed in the treemap on hover. The NumPy function was parsed to the color_continuous_midpoint = argument.

Example 2: Create Treemap with Discrete Colors

In this second example, we will build the same treemap, but with a discrete color to indicate different continents:

fig = px.treemap(df,
                 path = [px.Constant("world"),"continent","country"],
                 values = "pop",
                 color = "continent",
                 hover_data = ["iso_alpha"],
                 color_continuous_midpoint = np.average(df["lifeExp"],weights = df["pop"]))
fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t = 50,l = 25, r = 25, b = 25))

In the example above, we parsed “continent” to the color = argument inside the px.treemap() function, which made each continent distinct on the map with unique colors.

In the update_layout() function, we parsed a dictionary to the margin = argument, where we defined the top, bottom, left, and right margins.

Example 3: Create Treemap with Discrete Color Mapping

In this final example, we will build a treemap with discrete color mapping for continents:

fig = px.treemap(df,
                 path = [px.Constant("world"),"continent", "country"],
                 values = "pop",
                 color = "continent",
                 color_discrete_map={"(?)":"lightblue", "Asia":"purple", "Africa":"darkblue", 
                 hover_data = ["iso_alpha"],
                 color_continuous_midpoint = np.average(df["lifeExp"],weights = df["pop"]))
fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t = 50,l = 25, r = 25, b = 25))

In the example above, we created a dictionary, wherein we defined colors for the root node, symbolized by (?), and the individual continents, and parsed that dictionary to the color_discrete_map = argument. Apart from that, the code is exactly the same as in the previous example.

There are many more customizations that can be done to treemaps in Python. This is just to get you started with treemaps. You can play around with the parameters, and also visualize other datasets as treemaps.


Video, Further Resources & Summary

Do you need more explanations on how to build plotly treemap in Python? Then you should have a look at the following YouTube video of the Statistics Globe YouTube channel.

In the video, we explain in some more detail how to build plotly treemap in Python.


The YouTube video will be added soon.


With that, we have demonstrated how to build a plotly treemap in the Python programming language. As you can see, it is another nice way to interactively visualize hierarchical data in Python.

This post has shown how to build plotly treemap in Python. In case you have further questions, you may leave a comment below.


R & Python Expert Ifeanyi Idiaye

This page was created in collaboration with Ifeanyi Idiaye. You might check out Ifeanyi’s personal author page to read more about his academic background and the other articles he has written for the Statistics Globe website.


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