Sort List of Strings in Python (2 Examples)


In this tutorial, I’ll demonstrate how to sort a list of strings in the Python programming language.

The table of content looks as follows:

Let’s dive into it!


Example Data

At the start, we’ll need to create some data that we can use in the following examples. It is a Python list containing six strings.

string_list = ["Statistics", "Data", "Science", 
                "Python", "String", "Hello"]    # generating an example float list


Example 1: Sorting using sort() Function

Example 1 illustrates how to sort a list of strings in ascending order using the sort() function.

string_list.sort()                              # sorting the list ascending
print(string_list)                              # printing the sorted list
# ['Data', 'Hello', 'Python', 'Science', 'Statistics', 'String']

Notice that the list was sorted in place, which means that a new object was not created, instead, string_list became sorted. As an alternative, the list can also be sorted in descending order by setting the reverse argument to True, see below.

string_list.sort(reverse=True)                  # sorting the list descending
print(string_list)                              # printing the sorted list
# ['String', 'Statistics', 'Science', 'Python', 'Hello', 'Data']

Now you see that the order of the elements in string_list has been reversed.


Example 2: Sorting using sorted() Function

Example 2 explains how to sort a list of strings with the use of the sorted() function.

print(sorted(string_list))                      # sorting the list and printing
# ['Data', 'Hello', 'Python', 'Science', 'Statistics', 'String']

The unique thing about the sorted() function is that it generates a new sorted list object, which contains the elements of the original list in an ordered way. See how printing string_list returns the unordered result in the beginning.

['Statistics', 'Data', 'Science', 'Python', 'String', 'Hello']

Now let’s order the list in reversed order. Just like in example 1, the reverse argument helps to implement it.

print(sorted(string_list, reverse=True))        # sorting in reverse and printing
# ['String', 'Statistics', 'Science', 'Python', 'Hello', 'Data']

Here you go, now the elements are in reverse order.


Video & Further Resources

I have recently released a video on my YouTube channel, which shows the Python syntax of this article. You can find the video below:



Besides the video, you could have a look at the other tutorials on this website. A selection of articles that are related to the sorting of a list of strings is shown below.


In summary: At this point, you should know how to create a sorted list of strings in Python programming. Don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments section if you have additional questions or comments.


Ömer Ekiz Python Programming & Informatics

This page was created in collaboration with Ömer Ekiz. Have a look at Ömer’s author page to get more information about his professional background, a list of all his tutorials, as well as an overview of his other tasks on Statistics Globe.


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