Samer Hijjazi | Video Collaborations on Statistics Globe


Samer Hijjazi Guest Author Statistics Globe

Samer Hijjazi works as a Data Analytics & Innovation Associate at the University of Texas System. His work involves helping HR & Innovation make sense of their data through statistical data analysis and through the creation of interactive, yet meaningful dashboards. Some of the technologies Samer is well-versed in include the R Programming language, Python, MS Excel, and Power BI.

In addition to his technical skills, Samer has a passion for teaching and career development. He previously worked as a Career Consultant at his alma mater, the University of Texas at Arlington. His job involved him teaching and coaching students on career development strategies such as resume writing, networking, and optimizing LinkedIn profiles.

Because of his love for teaching, Samer has launched his very own YouTube channel where he creates content primarily about data analysis and tutorials on R packages. You can find his YouTube channel here. Moreover, you can follow him on LinkedIn here, as he loves connecting with people from around the world.


Video Collaborations with Samer Hijjazi

Samer has created a video on how to use the RSelenium package to automate web browsers, which was published on the Statistics Globe YouTube channel. You can find the video below.




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